terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015

The policy on africa

    Most African Nations living in civil war, political instability, intense and prolonged drought. This generates poor and fragmented economies, unable to generate wealth for the people. Characterize Africa high birth rates and mortality and low life expectancy compounded by the prevalence of AIDS in up to 10% of the inhabitants of some States.

    During the colonization, historically rivals tribes were forced to live in the same country, after the partition of the continent by the European powers. After the second world war the independence fights occur and the tribes are now vying for power among themselves. The competition continues in several countries, where groups alternate in power through wars and bloody massacres between ethnicities, such as Darfur and Rwanda. 

    The economy even with large mineral reserves, Africa meets obstacles to generate wealth. Precisely because they are only exporters of foodstuff and minerals, African countries are vulnerable to international price variation (in times of low prices, lack of money and there's debt and financial crisis on the continent). The African mineral resources such as oil and diamonds are dominated by a few, that commonly use them to finance civil wars and not to the socio-economic development.

    In 2009, piracy resurfaced in the Horn of Africa (where is Somalia). Many cargo ships have been hijacked originating requests millionaires. With the complete failure of the Government, the local clans solami found themselves free to take attitudes that well understood. So, in a typical African region triggered the lucrative alternative found was piracy.

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